Last August as I was browsing through the net I came across an interesting post in Vidya's blog What's Your Home Story. Her successful attempts to grow a water garden inspired me to grow one of my own.
My first task was to find a strong container and I found just what I needed at a nursery. It was made of cement and quite wide. I turned it upside down and painted the exterior in bright colours and the interior in white. I placed my precious pond in a corner of our balcony and filled it with rich pond mud, planted the water lilies, and poured water. Then I waited, waited and waited ...
Finally my 'patience' was rewarded. A white bloom with a rich yellow center at last!!! And new leaves and fresh shoots too!

But alas this "thing of beauty" did not last forever! Heavy rains in November flooded my poor pond and destroyed the water lilies. My pond was lying discarded for a few days.
But not or long! Within a week the water garden was converted into a 'fish pond'. The container was lined with lovely white and green pebbles and some colourful guppies were introduced into it. The fish are so lively ... frisking, twisting, turning, hiding, peeping in and peeping out ... never still ... and such a joy to watch!
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